This is the continuation of the previous article:
So here we are left with a straight forward question which - at the same time - is an answer to our question from the title:
Thus why can we NOT trust our friends always ?
This is simple... look... humans have ego... and the ego follows the principle of what is best for me. So it is basically just the matter of time when you or your best friend would apply this rule in practice and fuck you behind your back. Your friend may promise you that s/he will be your friend for ever but if the foundations of your friendship are based on the principle of what is best for me then - as I said - it is just a matter of time.
Sorry for breaking your beautiful illusions and values which you believe in but this is the reality.
But you do not have to take my words for granted. Go and do the test for yourself. Just confront and challenge the ego of your friend and you will see it for yourself. Or what is even better make some real changes within yourself, which means that you challenge your own ego and you stop participation in it. If your friend does not follow the change then he will start to see you and literally accuse you that you have changed and that you have become more egoistic.
I know that it may seem complete absurd what I am saying here but this is the fact. Once you change your own ego, then the ego of your friend will see from its perspective that you are betraying it and you will become its enemy number one on its list. And it will take a revenge on you for the betrayal of the friendship.
YES... the "best friend" relationship is a mind construct. It is based on ego and thus it cannot be ever trusted.
To be continued